just noticed

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

that my 2010 new year resolution is fucked up


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sitting alone on the stairs
late night
positively smoking
thinking, imagining, hopping, wishing

my minds works as my wings
fly me back to some good times
bad times as well

then stuck on you sweetheart
what should i do with you?
what should i do with us?
what should i do with my self?
and still dont know
which one its mostly important

somebody please tell me
this is not happening to me



Thursday, January 14, 2010

mungkin benar,
mereka merasa lebih mengenalmu,
lebih lama berhubungan denganmu,
cuma aku yang selama 4 tahun
tidur bersamamu,
karna itu aku tau,

karna itu aku sungguh tau,
apa yang akan kau lakukan jika aku marah padamu,
aku sungguh tau kau akan berbalik marah padaku,
mencari fakta-fakta aneh agar bisa sudutkan aku,
lalu kau akan bilang sayang aku,
lalu kau akan bilang kau rasa sakit lebih dariku,
lalu begitu hangat memelukku.

kau pasti bisa yakinkan aku bahwa,
semua tak seperti yang aku pikirkan,
semua salah paham,
dan bisa diakhiri dengan 'sudahlah'

kau sungguhlah PENIPU

dan aku sungguh malas marah padamu
bagaimana kalau aku diam saja,
lalu tinggalkan kau saja???


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolution
kill someone

this is truth
after this i can say i have done all sins in this world

you win

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

i know you love me
and i know i love you too
i know you lov
e me more
and now i know i dont know if i able to love u more than u love me

you win
and i'll do anything to keep you loving me that way
i promise
i love you

inside and out

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby, I can't figure it out
Your kisses taste like honey
Sweet lies don't gimme no rise
Oh, what you're trying to do

Livin' on your cheatin'
and the pain grows inside me
It's enough to leave me crying in the rain
Love you forever but you're driving me insane
And I'm hanging on
Oh, oh, oh, oh

I'll win, I'll never give in
Our love has got the power
Too many lovers in one lifetime
Ain't good for you
You treat me like a vision in the night
Someone there to stand behind you
When your world ain't working right
I ain't no vision, I am the girl
who loves you inside and out
Backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What are we gonna do if we lose that fire

Wrap myself up and take me home again
Too many heartaches in my lifetime ain't good for me
I figure it's the love that keeps you warm
Let this moment be forever
We won't ever feel the storm
I ain't no vision, I am the girl
Who loves you inside and out
Backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What are we gonna do if we lose that fire

Don't try to tell me that it's over
I can't hear a word I can't hear a line
No girl could love you more
And that's what I'm cryin' for
You can't change the way I feel inside

You're the reason for my laughter and my sorrow
Blow out the candle I will burn again tomorrow
No man on earth can stand between my lovin' arms
And no matter how you hurt me, I will love you till I die

I ain't no vision, I am the girl
Who loves you inside and out
Backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What are we gonna do if we lose that fire

Loves you inside and out
Backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What are we gonna do if we lose that fire

song by FEIST
pict : deviantart

u make me think ur way and i dont like it

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

just because i didnt text u everyday
i didnt call u either
(u called me 7times a day anyway)
it doesnt mean i cheat on you my love
and it is so cruel of you
said that so to me
i love you
and i want you to appreciate it
but now i really think about cheating
Gosh, i cant believe u make me think the way u think


aku pikir aku dewasa
berusia cukup dewasa
berpenampilan diusahakan dewasa
bertingkah seperti orang dewasa
berpikir terus tentang dewasa
bercinta betapa dewasanya
dan dengan semua yang terlewati
segalanya yang terselesaikan
juga segalanya yang masih diusahakan selesai
aku pikir aku dewasa
sekarang sepertinya
aku sudah masuk dalam lingkarannya
lingkaran dewasa
segalanya mulai mengelilingiku
aku pikir aku dewasa
tidak membuatku siap ada disini
aku pikir aku dewasa
tidak menjadikan aku dewasa
aku mau menjadi dewasa
tidak menyenangkan bagiku
tapi aku mau
aku hanya tidak tau harus mulai dari mana

picture : Psychosomaticc - deviantart


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

mereka begitu banyak
ribuan? ratusan ribu? jutaan? ratusan juta?
aku bersumpah aku tak mau menghitungnya

mereka sungguh panjang
mereka sungguh hitam dan panjang
mereka wangi
mereka wangi sekali setiap dua hari

mereka seperti ombak
mereka sangat indah
mereka seperti sutra kusut

diatas segalanya mereka merepotkan
rambutku sungguh merepotkan

picture : cekay - deviantart

everything about me i let u to know

Full Name: Mona Maryono
Single or Taken: taken
Sex: better than i think i am
Birthday: november 21
Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: 4 sisters
Eye colour: dark brown
Shoe size: 38
Height: 163cm
Country born: Indonesia
Innie or Outie: both
What are you wearing right now:
white shirt, dark brown straight pipe pants, 9cm high heels
Where do you live: Jakarta, Indonesia
Righty or lefty: righty
Any pets: if i do i want siberian husky

Do you cry a lot: yes
Do you make people angry: maybe
Do you like who you are: no
Do you like the cold: yes
Do you like the heat: no
Do you like to walk in the rain: yes
Do you have any one in mind that you want to walk in the rain with: Leo Petrozza
Do you like expensive things: who doesnt?
Do people asking you too many questions in a row bother you:
too many questions always annoying
Why?: cuz its too many
Do you like cameras: yea i love camera
Do you like taking pictures: yes
Do you like looking up at the stars: yea i like it
Do you like puzzles: love it
How about word searches: as well
Do you like coloring: no, i only love black, cant colored everything with black
Do you want to move: oh .. i wish
If yes where do you want to move to: heaven
How come: so i could meet my father
Do you think the one you love is taking you over: nah , i dont think so
Do you want to die: for the last two years .. yes
Do you smoke: yea
Do you drink: not a lot
Do you like swimming: definetely
Do you like the ocean: yea i like it
Why: cuz the sounds of the wave chill me out
Do you like funerals: I HATE IT
Are you morbid: i think i am
Do you think you are smart: positive
Do you want to go to college: i graduated
Do you have a job: sort of
Do you like it: no i dont
Do you get along with your boss: i keep trying
Do you get along with your parents: my father was the greatest, my mom is best
Do you believe in magic: ibracadabra
Do you have your own room: yea
Do you do your own laundry: sometimes
Do you want to get married: i have to
Do you want kids: yea
Do you like going to the beach: yea i like it
Do you like to blow bubbles: i love it
Do you like unicorn horns: i like my own horns
Do you like candy apples: i dont like candy
Do you like cotton candy: yack
Do you like playing with fire: no .. i dont think so
Do you like to go to the mall: yess .. i love shoping

i love


i hate



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